Teste of Russian Traditions

Exclusive Black Russian caviar

Slaughter caviar – the caviar is harvested after a female fish and its eggs enclosed in the ovarian membrane reach the natural maturity. The caviar harvested by slaughter method is considered to be more natural and purer than milking caviar.

Non-pasteurized caviar – the caviar is not subjected to the heat processing to preserve its natural taste, delicate shell and useful properties: vitamins А, В, D, E, iodine and magnesium

Wild Salmon caviar from Kamchatka

Red caviar is harvested from salmonid fishes caught in the environmentally clean areas on the East Coast of Kamchatka.

An important distinguishing feature of the wild fish is that it grows in the natural conditions and feeds on the smaller deep-sea creatures, so its products are rich with Omega-3 and Omega-6.Therefore, the wild caviar has superior taste and nutritional value

Мясо камчатского краба

Мясо камчатского краба выловленного в естественной среде в экологически чистом районе дальнего востока. Без консервантов.

В составе только: натуральное мясо краба варено-мороженное, вода и соль. Поэтому мясо камчатского краба сочное, имеет насыщенный вкус и несколько сладковатый привкус

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